“As a health care professional, I speak with people every day that have daily struggles with chronic pain, obesity, and many other health related challenges. I often recommend DDPY with Marcel to help them with taking that first step in assisting them improve their overall health goals. Marcel has a great understanding of chronic pain and mobility issues and because of that he can offer many modifications to involve every physical limitation. The classic rock play list and Marcel’s relaxed, fun instructions make every DDPY class enjoyable and rewarding.” (K.S.)
"I was staring down a dark path of increasing pain and loss of mobility, as many people with chronic conditions often face. Dr. Doré's DDPY Fitness instruction and advice has made an enormous difference for me by helping me to regain strength and mobility, and now I am determined to continue to improve. Dr. Doré is a kind, qualified and experienced practitioner whose candid goal is to help people by making their quality of life better. Thanks to Dr. Doré for making my quality of life better." (N.H.)
“With Dr. Doré’s DDPY Fitness classes I have experienced improved flexibility, strength, and balance while also feeling the benefits mentally. The endorphins produced while exercising certainly provide a more positive frame of mind. The community atmosphere of the classes has provided a sense of belonging along with the benefit of meeting new friends who offer the motivation to continue with the program.” (S.C.)
“Dr. Doré is truly a one of a kind. I am so grateful to him for directly helping my recovery after colon cancer surgery and treatment. His knowledge, encouragement and program helped me get back to a level of fitness I never thought possible.” (D.D.)
“For about 20 years, due to a herniated disc and stenosis, I experienced debilitating back pain which limited my ability to do many normal tasks. I took pain killers and was offered surgery which I declined due to its potential side effects. In 2017 at age 64, I was introduced to Marcel by a friend and began DDPY. At the end of 3 months with only one workout per week, my back pain was much improved, and I no longer needed pain killers. After 6 months, the pain was gone. Today, DDPY continues to be part of my personal plan for continuing good health.” (M.C.)
“I participate in the DDPY exercise classes using a chair and modifications which I have found very helpful. My balance has greatly improved. It’s has improved my mindset regarding how I think about exercise. Despite my medical history, the past three years under the guidance of Dr. Doré has been rewarding and best of all I enjoy the benefits of exercise in all aspects of my life.” (L.M.)
“When I recently had my first knee replacement surgery, Dr. Dore’s suggestions were of great benefit to me. He stressed that my recovery was largely in my own hands and that it was essential to keep up with exercise and physiotherapy routines. I took that to heart and have healed very well. I was told I was exemplary. I went from not being able to walk across the street to now walking for over an hour. Dr. Doré always listens, has a good sense of humour, boundless energy, and lots of empathy. The health system needs more of this type of service from an experienced practitioner.” (C.R.)
“I have been battling a lower back issue for a week now. Two years ago, this would have side lined me for at least a month. Due to the inclusiveness of Marcel’s workouts, I am still able to modify where required and burn lots of calories. Great classes, great instructor, great results!” (A.H.)
“Dr. Doré (Marcel) is good about reminding us how to do each exercise and giving little hints about how get more benefit, including when to inhale and exhale. I think I am stronger than I’ve been in years. I can squat without my knees knocking, can inflate my lungs up to my clavicle in my back, and I stand straighter. It is well documented that regular exercise will reduce the chances of my cancer returning.” (L.B.)
“I enjoy Dr. Doré’s fitness classes because it makes me strong, it works my entire body, it grounds me and helps me to make better lifestyle choices during the day. I like the philosophy of working out to the best of my ability and knowing there is always somewhere else to go with it. I can garden, chase, and play with my grandchildren, snowshoe, kayak, fill up the wood box, shovel snow, hike - do all the things I love - with ease and without injury.” (D.D.)
“While suffering from an acute sciatica nerve episode, my family physician referred me to Dr. Doré, who provided an assessment and explanation of the causes of my pain. Dr. Doré also helped in correcting my posture while sitting, standing, and walking. Not only did these exercises and changes in posture ensure I did not experience a relapse, but I no longer have the chronic lower back pain that has plagued me for years.” (S.C.)
“Exercise, like a prescription to be taken regularly, not just for the body, but also the mind and spirit. With Dr. Doré’s exercise classes, I’m enjoying better posture, greater flexibility, more tone, and balance, which nicely complement my other active pursuits. There’s no question that embracing physical activity is a huge part of an overall wellness plan, especially for us who are living with cancer.” (K.S.)
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